The South Etobicoke Doll Artist Guild (SEDAG) recently had a table at their community's Fall Fair.
In spite of a rainy start to the day the event was a tremendous success. Day and evening club members Lise St. Germain, Eileen Ross set up the clubs display dolls, demonstrated a few simple techniques and talked to visitors both young and old about the wonderful world of doll making and the clubs monthly meetings.
The club meets the last Tuesday (daytime) and the last Wednesday (evening) of the month at the Horner Avenue Community Centre in Etobicoke and Mississauga respectively. Please contact me by leaving a comment if you would like to attend a club meeting as a guest or regular member.
The club also has recently set up a group on Yahoo at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SouthEtobicokeDollArtists Guild