I started working in the studio again. Thinking tall thin doll...
I can't remember how many times I scraped the face off and started over. I wanted something simple like my paper clay dolls. After numerous attempts I ended up with this demon like head. That was not the direction I wanted but oh well... I set the head in the oven and will use it another time.
I tried a simpler featured head.
And then I went to my mom's to celebrate New Year's Eve with a couple competitive games of Spite and Malice and some treats as we watched a movie and waited for the ball drop. We never made it to the Ball Drop both of us were tired. I came home and found out that my doll must have had a party of her own. She was on the floor with her knees all bent and broken... I guess now is not her time.
So I straightened her legs and whimpered at her poor brokeness and then cuddled on the couch with my kitty and watched the drop before nodding off. Out with the old.
And in with the new!
So this morning I thought it was going to be a short and squat day. I had a little guy in my head that wanted out. So I began again. I made a head that really didn't look like the one in my head, but I decided to go with the flow.
I tried his head on for size (hee, hee) and started adding clay to his feet and legs.
Not sure exactly what he wants to be yet... I'll let him stand around arm less for a while and see what comes to me.
Happy New Year everyone, be sure to make your creative endeavours happy experiments. I believe there is a plan, it will reveal itself when it's ready. I'll just be sure to be open and jump in with both feet and bells on!
Bring it on 2012!
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