May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day... update on my mom...

So many of you have expressed your sadness about my mom's illness that I thought I'd let you know.

My mom passed away this morning. She suffered a major heart attach on Friday around 2pm. We didn't know this at first and we called 911 because of her pain and confusion. It was only after blood tests at Trillium Hospital that we discovered it. She was diagnosed with bone cancer only a few weeks ago after a visit first to Urgent care, subsequent Dr.s appts., trips to Emergency, bone scans, blood tests and several transfusions. I wish the system worked better in Ontario so we could have gotten the help we needed sooner without the frustration of so many painful trips. We had just begun seeing an oncologist and had another transfusion when we had this happen.

The pictures here have been taken since just prior to Christmas. She was a beautiful woman at 82. She was to celebrate her next month. We are amazed that she survived the heart attack and had no idea when exactly it happened as she was in such constant pain. She was admitted to Trillium late Friday night and we have been with her constantly since then.
I'm so happy that she is not suffering any longer and could really use some sleep. I've been dunking my eyes in Tim's alot over the past couple of days. My sisters and I were with her when she died at 4:04am this morning. She had a DNR request that we honoured. We knew the future would only include more pain. Bone cancer is vicious and we did not want her to suffer. She was so strong.
The people at Trillium and the paramedics were amazing and once they discovered the heart attack they found us a room in the ER. about 12 hours after arriving they found a room for us in the Oncology department, the cancer facilty there was very warm and welcoming and almost hotel like. They let us stay 24 hours a day and made us comfortable with blankets, a place to sleep if we could and we could have as many family members as could come. We spilled out into a family room with television and internet so we could get in touch with the people we needed to. My sister and her husband in Regina made it in time, they arrived yesterday at noon. Their kids unfortunately, were writing exams. All the rest of the family were in and out, all of us telling her how proud we were of her, her strength, which she passed on to us, her values, her love of good friends, laughter and food. We shared memories, laughed and cried alot.
We are in the midst of arrangements but know that her wish was to be cremated and buried with my father and celebrations will be held in Port Colborne but we will be going to settle the details tomorrow.
We have family arriving from out of province so it won't likely be until the end of the week.
I'm going to miss my mom so much, she understood my creativity, if she found it weird, she was very vocal about it not being her thing. She will be in my head .... always. She will share my joy in discovering new things and be happy I've found such wonderful friends like you! Thank you again for adding her to your prayers, it has helped and will help as I continue to live with her loss.
Thank you! God Bless... Hug your mom and tell her you love her today! and everyday!
Happy Mother's Day.


Mary Ann Tate said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mum. Take care.

Sue said...

Oh Nancy,I am deeply sorry to hear this. Your mom looked and sounded like a beautiful woman and from the lovely posts you have written I know you and your family are going to miss her terribly. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Eva/ Lady Artisan said...

Nancy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mom looked like she was a beautiful woman and it's obvious you and your family loved her deeply and will miss her. My thoughts are with you. Hugs, Eva

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss..I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers..

Martha from ilove2paint said...

My prayers to you and your family. She looks like such a nice lady in your pictures.

Rosanna Pereyra said...

I too am sorry for the loss of your mother. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. She had a beautiful smile.

Nancy Perennec Maker said...

I thank you so much for your kind words, prayers and encouragement. I really, really miss my mom. The Lord only knows what he's in for up there. She's always been my biggest cheerleader, loves laughing, gives the biggest hugs and tells it straight. For anyone who wants the details you can see them here: it's been a difficult time. We went to do the funeral arrangements today. Here's the details should anyone want to know.

Thread Painting Cat Portrait