Anyway...I finally figured out how to hold the work and the hook and figure out that there is a pattern to when and how often you wrap that yarn around the hook and how many hoops you pull through at a time. Who knew?! I used to pretend I knew what I was doing but now that I actually know what I'm doing it's all coming together.
I totally annoy my mom that I now do it better than her. (I sure wouldn't say that!!) those were her words when I started adding a second colour to my work with this monkey hat. I've even felted it.
She's been working on some snowflakes that she wanted to sell in my shop. She's worked so hard on them and when I told her that I likely wouldn't get more than $3.00 each for them she wasn't phased. So we blocked them and stiffened them with Paverpol, took pictures, wrote copy and put them in my shop. I hope they sell, she'll be so excited!
They can be found in either of my etsy shops.
I also made a cute little lamb hat... couldn't help myself... it reminded me of lamb chop and you know I love puppets!