July 31, 2011

Red's Cape and hair choices

After lunch Daisy and I had a walk in the park. She wanted to chase the ducks but it was time to go home and have a nice cold drink!

Wicked hot and sticky today! Not a good day to be in the studio but it's worse outside. I made Red's hooded cape, long train. I love the cinematography in the film and hope to capture some of that with this doll.

Now I'm pretty settled on what colour hair I want to use but here's a sampling of the colours and types I tried.

White blond too anemic
Yellow blonde, much better
but I think I want to go Auburn.
Too short and way too brassy!
The black is nice but a little stark,
not quite what I had in mind.
Yes, I think this is the one I like.

I'd love to know what you would pick. 
Too sticky to add hair today. Time for a nap.

1 comment:

Mary Ann Tate said...

With her pale skin colouring and the blue dress I think the auburn that you picked suits the best.

Thread Painting Cat Portrait