My friend Jolene and I have different favourite materials. For instance she's a needle felter and has really become so good at it that she now teaches locally.
I'd love to feature more of her work here if she'll let me, she doesn't blog herself.
She was teaching a beginner needle felting class at her local wool shop. She says it was a simple project... this little leprechaun. I don't think there is anything simple about it myself.
Jolene works at a local museum there and she said that a request game along from the Association of Manitoba Museums for donations for their second annual ‘Trivia Night’ fundraiser.
This year it's - March 12th and with St. Patrick’s Day a few days off she decided to offer up this magical little leprechaun as an item for their Rainbow Auction. It was happily accepted. I hope they are as awed as I am with this wonderful piece.
I hope their event was a huge success and that the lucky winner knows what a lovely piece of art work they have.
With millions of little stabs at those tiny fibres it takes a lot of patience and more than a little DNA to complete an art doll like this and I really love Jolene's work.
Here's a picture she sent me earlier... when I saw that mischievous face looking up at me he seemed to be saying "oh, no now missy... don't you be trying to get a look at me lucky charms!"
1 comment:
Oh he looks too cute. I would love to learn how to needle felt.. it looks so challenging. So annoying I'm nowhere near any classes.
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